Ryan Green and Cameron Hood, June 12, 2004 at Faneuil Hall/Quincy Market North Building 8

The RyanHood Report - June's Sorrows and Joys

BOSTON,  MA.  June 12—Ryan Green and Cameron Hood are suffering from the Curse of David.  They can’t seem to escape playing someplace where someone named David doesn’t infiltrate the proceedings.

According to a reliable source Ryanhood was approached during their performance on June 4 at the Bella Vista Amphitheatre in Providence, Rhode Island by a couple of smooth operators; namely, Mayor David N. Cicilline and his advance woman/PR Hucksteress. Under the pretext of “we’re here just to see you” Cameron was asked to announce His Excellency’s presence to the large audience.  PR Madame provided Ryan and Cameron with His Honor’s proper enunciation (sis-i-leen-ee, SIS-ILL-EEN-EE).  Cameron is alleged to have graciously announced the presence of the Honorable One to the masses, only to suffer the indignity of witnessing the Noble One and his gal pulling a Houdini seconds thereafter.  How shocking!

Evidently Ryan and Cameron served as PR pawns for the latest (but no means greatest) Mayor of Providence.  What a mark of distinction for Ryanhood.  Their timing is unfortunate, though.  Had they landed this gig only a couple of years ago, Ryanhood could have served as PR shills for none other than former Mayor Vincent A. "Buddy" Cianci.  He was Providence’s real choice for Mayor, but he is presently not available to serve.  Circumstances negate his participating in this virtuous deed of public service.  He is currently in a federal prison in New Jersey, where he is 18 months into a five-year prison sentence after a 2002 conviction on a corruption charge.  You probably saw it on 60 Minutes.  If you missed that, you can see the film when it’s in general release; I’m referring to David Mamet’s screenplay for the Mike Stanton book based on the rise and fall—and rise and fall—of Buddy Cianci.

Yes, Ryan and Cameron discovered the joys and inspiration of Providence, Rhode Island, including all the politics, comedy, drama, and politics.  What a great town.

Ryanhood’s current set continues to evolve and refine itself to perfection.  Ryan’s solos on songs from the CD Sad and Happiness continue to develop and cultivate.  Familiar listeners get the impression that the songs would sound markedly different were they recorded now.  Another unique Beatles’ cover tune has been appended to their standard set, “Two of Us.”   Ryan and Cameron’s musical make-up is perfect for this song; they sing and play it perfectly.  Older observers like nothing better than two young guys performing Beatles music, and I sense that they perceive it as a measure of respect for that still-beloved musical group.  Respect generates respect in kind.  These same listeners tune in to Ryanhood’s original compositions.  CD sales continue to be brisk.


Young people continue to appreciate them as well.  Another David (yours truly) was there to capture the moment in words and veritable Irishman/21st Century Danny Boy was there to capture it in images.   These two enthusiastic female listeners were duly motivated to pose for the photo-op of their lifetime under the guise of “going national.”  What young person doesn’t crave breaking out from their humble local beginnings and shining on the national stage?

Fortunately for Ryan and Cameron, David and Danny were only able to turn their first set into a spectacle.  The larger afternoon crowds were able to enjoy Ryanhood’s excellent musical craft undisturbed by ominous lurkers.

To be continued…

David D.

(Photos by Dan Brady)