So, The Ryanhood - Live at the Paradise DVD is awesome. If you haven't picked up a copy, then you should. The two CDs are great - don't get me wrong, but RYANHOOD is a band best experienced live. And since not everyone can get to Boston or one of their rare out of Boston concerts, the DVD is the next best thing.

The video production itself is simple but effective. You do get the live feel from the four songs and a bonus track guaranteed to make you laugh. They show the personality that adds to the talent already evident in the music itself. And just in watching it the DVD makes me remember my very first impression of this duo, "How cute are these guys?"

The documentary and commentary provide the "Bang for the Buck" value for the DVD. Learn about what makes RYANHOOD tick.

There's nothing bad about this investment into a new band.


A Performance Review by Rhonda - Club Passim, Sept. 4, 2004

I have to say my first trip to Boston has been really cool. Usually when I travel to a convention, it's rare that I ever get out of the hotel, but Nicole and her long-time friend, Frank, made sure I saw some of the city.

I knew when I arrived that Nicole had been in contact with David D. about seeing Ryanhood at Club Passim in Harvard Square for their "Cutting Edge of the Campfire" day. But I have to admit that didn't really register until we were on the way out the door on Saturday night. I have to admit, I haven't been paying as much attention to what's been said about them on the board, so musically I had no idea what to expect.

We were a touch late getting there, but found David and the guys in Ryanhood without any trouble. We, of course, had to spend the first five minutes or so after meeting everyone to take pictures. Then inside to find seats.

I don’t know about anyone else, but when I hear someone else pushing a band as fervently as David has Ryanhood, I go into the show a bit jaded. Music is such a subjective thing. But when Ryan and Cameron got on the stage all preconceptions were shot out the window - and in a good way.

I've grown up around music. I've worked in concert venues and run sound boards. I've reviewed CDs. It's really hard to completely impress me. Ryanhood BLEW ME AWAY.

First of all, it took me about a half hour to get past the initial response of "How Cute are THEY?" (and not just in physical appearance - though they have that going for them, too). I've seen bands (acoustic and electric) that were either very talented musicians/songwriters or good with the crowd schtick. I've seen very few who had both the chops to pull off their music AND the schtick to pull the audience in and laugh with them. Ryanhood has that whole package.

They joked about how nervous they were about playing this particular venue where some Big Name Folk musicians have played. And I'm sure they were, but it didn't show in their playing. They were every bit the professionals, and proved after the first song that they were going to hold their own. They drew the crowd in. Where I saw some polite to appreciative applause for the trio before them, Ryanhood had people ENTHUSIASTICALLY applauding them.

They also have the chops to back up the cute. They have the skills to survive in the industry and genre that requires a tremendous amount of skill. I liked them so much I made a bee-line to the CD table AND came up with venues local to me for them to approach in the future. Actually, I think what I said was, "If you come to the Dallas area to play, I'll buy you dinner."

Though, one last thing on the "cute" side, WHEN these two guys hit the "Big Time" (and I DON'T mean Steve Harvey!), expect to see them on EVERY Teen Magazine - they're THAT cute.


Rhonda Eudaly's writing background includes both fiction and non-fiction. She's the author of several published short stories. She's written music review columns for both regional print and electronic publications. She's penned technical and procedural manuals; advertising and promotional copy; brochures; and public service announcements. Visit Rhonda's Writing Biography section of her Rhonda Eudaly - Site Unseen Web page for a complete writing curricula vitae. Tim Miller of FenCon fame has purchased the film rights to Rhonda's FenCon Program book story, "Beyond the Beanstalk". He and his partner take part in the "Films in 24 hours" competitions and will be in production later this year.

Visit this Ryanhood Performance Page to view pictures of Rhonda and others with Ryan and Cameron outside the Club Passim.